Inverted or non-protractile nipples are a reality for large numbers of women, causing psychological distress and making breastfeeding difficult for mother and baby. Inverted nipples occur because of short lactiferous (milkbearing) ducts which tether the nipple and prevent it projecting.
The Philips AVENT Niplette is a simple and painless device that can be used by women of any age to correct inverted or non-protactile nipples. Using suction to gently stretch the lactiferous ducts over time, it can be tucked discreetly inside the bra and can achieve a permanent correction between one and three months of continuous use, for eight hours per day.
- Non-Surgical - After just a few weeks of continued wear, the nipple will stay erect. Ideally use before becoming pregnant. However, you can also use in the first six months of pregnancy to achieve long-lasting correction. Any nipple inversion, which is not congenital but has occurred recently, should be immediately checked by a doctor before the Niplette is used. Use is not recommended in the last trimester of pregnancy.
- Use with Inverted or Flat Nipples - The Niplette is suitable for correcting inverted nipples that have developed as a result of hereditary factors or during puberty.
- Clinically Proven - The Niplette: an instrument for the non-surgical correction of inverted nipples DD McGeorge FRCS (Plast). British Journal of Plastic Surgery, December 1993.